You always wonder who is the smartest or most likely to become president when looking at your peers and fellow classmates. As a senior at our school, you are able to find out just that through our annual tradition of Senior Polls, where Seniors get to nominate and then vote for who they believe to be, for example, “Funniest” or have the “Worst Parking.” So, on Friday, March 1st, the quad echoed with excitement and anticipation as seniors gathered for a momentous occasion – the Senior Luncheon and Senior Polls revealing. With plates filled with Chano’s savory food, students eagerly awaited the announcement of the Senior Polls winners, an event eagerly anticipated by the entire senior class.
The Senior Polls Luncheon was not just a feast for the stomach but also a celebration of the outstanding individuals within our senior class. As everyone started to settle in after being checked in by the Senior Cabinet and grabbing their food, the cabinet took the stage to unveil the winners of each category. With drum rolls echoing, seniors listened intently as their classmates’ names were called, recognizing their amazing contributions… for some of them at least (sorry “Worst Parking”)
Each winner was presented with a prop prize related to their respective category, adding a touch of personalized recognition to the occasion. Whether it was the baking props for “Best Chef” or Monster drinks for “Most Involved,” the prizes were just accompanying the loud applause and praise the winners would receive from their fellow Seniors.
Alongside the Senior Polls, Senior Cabinet and the Grad Night Committee took the opportunity to make important announcements regarding upcoming events, sharing details about the eagerly anticipated Senior Movie Night, hosted by the PTSA, as well as the process for selecting the graduation speaker.
As the Senior Luncheon drew to a close, packing all the excitement and fervor of the day into our 40-minute lunch period, it was recognized in some ways that this was the beginning of the end of our Seniors’ journey. With one quarter to go and events celebrating the Senior class, all the Seniors can do now is sit back, relax, and enjoy their last dance as Titans.
“Senior Polls was really eye-opening for me, as I thought that ‘Dang, we’re actually almost there [to graduation],’” Daniel Chen, 12, said.